State & Local Tax Return Compliance, Boston, MA
George R. Baxendale CPA, Inc. provides state and local tax expertise, including filing state taxes, filing local taxes, and filing sales taxes to a wide range of clients. Our team of professionals will work with you to ensure that all state and local tax compliance requirements are met in a timely and efficient manner.

State and local tax compliance can be challenging for clients due to federal vs. state tax laws as well as state vs. state tax laws if you operate in more than one jurisdiction. Our team of professionals has the knowledge and experience to help you comply with these laws.
George R. Baxendale CPA, Inc. Main Office
George R. Baxendale CPA, Inc. Pembroke Office
Contact Us
George R. Baxendale CPA, Inc. provides tax, business, and risk advisory services for start-ups and established businesses, as well as for individuals. We believe that the services we offer will help you achieve a broad range of your financial and business goals.
183 State Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02109
M-F: 9am-5pm, S-S: Closed
Tags: state tax return compliance boston ma local tax return compliance boston ma